how does copy or duplicate content affects your SEO score

Good computer program optimization score is extremely much important for you guys, especially for those of you who have just started off your business. you must understand that the higher the SEO score of an internet site are, the more business it'll eventually get, and not only that, but it'll improve with regard to its ranking position. Organic traffic is what you wish for your website development and improvement, which is what you may get if you target good seo, which mainly includes quality and unique content on your website. Now coming to the question that we've to debate today, how does copy or duplicate content affects your SEO score, well as we've got already told you that unique content may be a sign of fine seo and might set a high score but at the identical time if you're having any reasonably duplication or plagiarism within the content may or not it's intentional or unintentional then you must know that it can seriously hurt your SEO score an...