Healthy Finance, Healthy Your Family

Money is not everything. But it cannot be denied, the economy is one of the determinants of health in the family. The better the financial condition in a family, the better their health level. Not only health, a good economy can also have a good impact on the overall quality of family life. Every family wants to continue to live healthy, happy and prosperous. Maintaining the family economy can help to realize this. As a breadwinner, parents are advised to be able to maintain their financial condition to remain stable. One way is to set aside income for future savings or invest a little of your income in something positive. The following are some explanations that state that having a healthy financial situation can have a positive impact on overall health and quality of life:
  • Better health. When a family has good financial condition, the possibility of family members experiencing stress or frustration is smaller. In the medical world, stress is a trigger of various types of diseases such as sleep disorders, diabetes, hypertension or heart attacks.
  • Harmonious family. A lot of debt or bad financial conditions can trigger a fight with your partner. This can have a bad effect on children who hear these fights. So, if your family's financial condition is healthy, the atmosphere in your house can feel more harmonious.
  • Children's education is guaranteed. Children who have a high level of education are often associated with good health, good self-esteem, and reduced levels of stress in living their lives.
  • Can support children in a conducive environment. Having enough money allows you to have a house with an environment that is suitable for living with family. Home environmental conditions like this can have a good impact on the health of your family.
Therefore, let's get used to not wasting money on things that aren't too important and don't need your family. It is better to allocate a portion of income to be saved, be made a positive investment, and live a simple and efficient life. Oia, the pattern of life above does not mean you can only use money for future supplies. You can, really, use money to please yourself and your family members in the present, as long as it's not too much. For example, every two weeks you invite your family to eat at a restaurant or take a vacation every few months. Activities like this not only make your family's health better, but can also make them happy and bring closer relationships between family members. Apart from being used to fulfill daily needs and savings, donating part of your income can also be done. Believe it or not, sharing with others can make you happier! So, wisely in managing finances. Don't let your income run out every month for nothing. In addition to applying it to yourself, also teach your children to learn to manage their finances early on, so that he has the provision of good health in the future.


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